Saturday, March 28, 2009


I have to skip out on the Denny's breakfast tomorrow...Im too tired but I see 6 days off out of 7 coming up. Oh I can't wait. So needed.

Monday, March 23, 2009

TWEEEET, im trying but it feels really stupid

Twitter. I see what it does but it just doesnt move the ball forward to me. I mean, can reconnect with old friends family, share pictures, invitations, etc. Same thing with myspace although I get a middle school feeling from myspace. Anyways, Twitter feels stupid. Im eating lunch. Im picking up laundry. Im burying a body. I mean honestly, do I need to pause life to bring out my blackberry to say, "I'm going to order a gordita." Who cares honestly?

Now when Shaq tweets that he's at a restaurant and fans show up...I get it. When Obama tweets that he's bowling...I get it. When I tweet that Im trying on some underpants, I dont think anyone gets it. I dont think they want to get it. Perhaps I have low self esteem and they do. Do you? I doubt it.

Tweeting serves a purpose. CNN sends a tweet that there is a gunman on the rampage around my house. Thanks Twittering Wolf.

When there is a sinkhole threatening to swallow my car.....thanks twittering Anderson.

When the is an asteroid hurtling through space to create the next gulf of mexico with my house in the heart of it....thanks twittering Steve.

but in the grand scheme of things what the hell does a twitter about me petting my dog change anything. Buy Mr. Brewman's. Doesnt seem to tweet.

Eh, I've sent a tweet today but couldnt I have put the same damn thing on my facebook page? Dont I now need to duplicate my tweet over there so that my friends can not feel left out of my tweet to Ashton Kutcher? It's probably not Ashton Kutcher. It's probably Rob of Twitter, Inc. who has an agreement with Ashton Kutcher to ghost tweet for him so as to prop up Tweets and their tweeters so you can feel the need to tweet too. pfffggt!

I feel stupider for tweeting. The word is "snook."

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Gorge, Gorge, Gordita!

I dont know what it is about the Taco Bell Gordita but there is nothing on that place's menu that quite punches me in the gut like their Beef Gordita.

It is pretty much a guarantee that by the time you finish off your second one youre a goner. The bathroom is yelling at you. If you were smart you wouldve gone and turned on the fan in the bathroom long before now so as to get the air flowing in there. By's too late.

There is just something so satis-dying about this glorified soft taco that fills your sweaty palms with fullness as opposed to the smaller pinching effect the regular hard and soft taco's give off.

It is the Gordita and the Gordita alone that can make your stomach feel as if you've given just a bit of a morning stretch. Letting it know that every now and then it needs to be prepared for this gut buster. It needs to keep it's head on a swivel so to speak because it can never be quite sure whether you're going to feed it something more manageable, like the smaller nachos and cheese or if you're going to lay the wood to it with the Beef Gordita Supreme.

Alright so I need to go to the, I need to y'know....I need to go to the. .... well, Ill be back.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


So lets get a couple things straight.

If you have the fortune to have a friend let you borrow the Jack Lalane Power Juicer there are a couple of things you should know:

1. Eventhough Jack and his wife tell you that you will use the left over pulp to make pies, and cakes, and muffins and wont. You will however feel quite wasteful and question whether or not this is the more beneficial use of a piece of fruit versus eating the whole damn thing.

2. Eventhough on the show it would seem that American fruits (or those that end up here) produce a crap load of Juice per item you would be mistaken. You'd be shocked at how little 'juice' an average piece of produce actually produces.

3. The juice does taste very very good however eating the pulp is kind of gross.

4. Juicing is an expensive endeavor if you include the price of the juicer and the unbelievable amount of produce you'll be buying to keep the juices flowing.

That being said Jack Lalane can still kick your ass.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Amish Anger

Dont let them fool you with that Jovial looking beard. This man's brother came into my model home today with his wife in a costume different than that which you see in the photo to the right but it was his brother nonetheless. His attempt to fool me into thinking that he wasn't Amish was lost when he spouted his anger at me with his wife smirking behind him.

When I said, "Hey there, how are you doin'?" and he replied...."I'm not interested." it was simply the first page in his book of anger. Thicker than War and Peace and darker than Mein Kampf.

When I asked him, "What are you looking for in your new home?" He may have well have said, "A torture basement." when I really heard him say, "We have a house to sell...a condo actually in Daytona Beach."

When I said, "How big is your condo?" and he replied that it was about 1500sqft....he may have well have said, "Just big enough for us to hide the bodies."

When they said, "Can we see your model?" I knew it was code for, "We need to see if you have spots to hide the children."

But....When I showed them the family room and they noticed the fireplace they said, "We wont be needing that. We make our own."

All is right in the world.

Friday, March 6, 2009

It's the...


It's the thrill of the fight!

Welp, another round today as we continue to try to stay relevant to the competition that's around us. More exhaustion as we've changed the dynamic and stopped splitting commissions 3 ways. It was the only way to try and save some grace.

Ashley went to her last sales meeting today and it was really fun watching her play the game of Question Tennis with the team. It would figure that Keith would be the first one to whiff on a question. Hello? the end in a question mark and generally your voice goes a little higher at the end.

Anyways, if life is a rollercoaster we continue to be on that part that cranks the car forward, slowly up the hill. chink.....chink.....chink....chink.

As we reach the top Im noticing that on the other side it's quite foggy and you cant really tell where your car is going to go. It's misty you might say. However, I have been told that this particular roller coaster took Tarp money to stay afloat and they've been able to pay the people on their HB1 Visa's to work on the rails of the track further down so hopefully we dont over run run them, knock them off, come crashing off of the track and need additional tarp money to weave together some sort of money parachute to land safely on the ground.

Here's to Ashley showing us that selling homes in the foreclosure market and shortsale market and builder inventory, is where it's at.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


This is certainly going to be a nerve wracking year but perhaps one where we lay the foundation for the next push forward. While I provide a small but stable ground, Ashley is branching out to join a Real Estate team focusing on shortsales and foreclosures. Should that go as it is planned she will begin to truly bring in a second line of income after toiling away through multiple disappointments working for the builder.

If she can become a steady stream of income it will relieve some of the pressure on this line to give some breathing room to perhaps be able to analyze the landscape, fertilize some seeds, grow some relationships, and perhaps launch a shot at the moon. I know that I have the talent to succeed in my genre and am just looking for the opportunity, the right opportunity, one in which a buzzsaw is not around the next corner, one in which I can use the skills Ive sharpened over the last 10 years.

This recession, if I can find some wiggle room, could be just what is needed to light some gunpowder.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

I am an $%^&hole

Why you might ask?

Well this past summer I bought my mother's car from her and got the tag switched into my name. I however was an idiot and left the old tag on the car with the new tag in the trunk thinking that I'd swap them out when I get to it.

Well I never got to it.

So today my wife calls me and says to me when I answer the phone, "Where is this car's registration?" And I knew.

Now what put's the icing on the cake other than my wife being pulled over for my lack of plate initiative? How's about the police officer actually took the time to swap the tags out for me.

So not only did I keep the police from going after real criminals (dont get me started about the one's on Wall Street) AND having to have my wife deal with being pulled over for nothing that was her fault, I had to have Officer Friendly perform manual labor on MY CAR.

Wow, I've sunk to a new low.