Saturday, February 7, 2009

Well, I forgot I had this.

So here we are at the Lewis Black concert last night which wasn't as good as it sh/could've been but that may have had much to do with the audience here in Jacksonville than Mr. Black himself as he was as ornery as he ever is, when my friends David and Erin began talking about their Blogs, again when I said I want a Blog. Too. So David and I were talking about getting Ezekial a Blog which is likely in the works as it'll serve more than just a function of me having Diarreah of the fingers all over this keyboard but as a marketing tool for only the greatest concoction of Sweet Tea ever made, MrBrewmans. So low and behold (<--------is that right?), I logged in to become a devoted follower of the two Blogs listed above and TADA! my very own Blog started 'back in the day.' I probably couldve named it something else, but it'll doo. What the hell am I gonna do with this thing now....I'll need to merge it with Ezekial's Blog, hmmmm.

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